Contestant Interview: Angela Kipp

Our next interview is from Angela Kipp, a current senior who has been participating in the Bible Bee since 2013. She has competed in both the semifinals and finals before, and you can even watch her in Seasons 1 and 2 of the National Bible Bee Game Show!

Enjoy reading this interview! (If you’re feeling nice, leave a comment below. 🙂 If you’d like to participate in a contestant interview, send an email to with subject line “Contestant Interview.” Include your full name, BB division in 2021, and how many years you’ve participated in the Bible Bee.)

Share a BB “inside” joke or event, something no one but BBers will understand.

I memorize verses in the shower, fall asleep with verse cards, and suffer from PBBWS every year. Oh, and I use Greek and Hebrew words in everyday conversation. Apparently that’s not normal behavior.

What do you love the most about the Bible Bee?

Fellowshipping with my wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ! Through BB, I have met so many friends who are passionate about Jesus and God’s Word. They’re always there to encourage me, pray for me, and challenge me. I cannot express how thankful I am for my BB friends. <3

How would you be different if the Bible Bee had not entered your life?

Without BB, I know that my relationship with God would not be where it is today. I grew up in a family that taught me about the Lord. I even asked Jesus to be my Savior when very young. But reading the Bible was just something I needed to do. I didn’t really care about serving God. Then I started BB. At first, I participated just because the competition and everything was a lot of fun. But God’s Word does not return void, and, before long, I grew to love the Word itself. And it changed me. For me, Being a Christian used to be just “checking off boxes.” Now, it’s a beautiful relationship with my Creator and Redeemer as I seek to love and follow Him fully.

What has God taught you through the Bible Bee?

So much! But perhaps one of the most important things is trust. As I’ve participated over the years, the competition has often turned out in ways I didn’t really want. But God has used those times to show me that His plans are much bigger and where He wants me is right where I need to be. Through BB, I’ve learned to trust God and give Him control—an important lesson when faced with life’s struggles.

What is your “before-Prelims” (or “before-Semis”, if you’re a previous semifinalist) routine?

Before the test, I always read through the study passage. Then I read through the “quick review” portion of my study notes binder. I force myself not to cram, though, because that will only frustrate me and tire my brain. Before Orals, I review the shorter passages if I have time (I usually recite all the passages at least once, if not twice, the day before).

For semis, I recite pretty much all the passages in between prelims and semis. Often I’ll recite a passage more than once if I make mistakes, because I want to be very confident on my passages for semis.

My mom always prays with my brothers and me before we leave for competition events. I also try to spend the last half hour praying and focusing my mind on the Lord. Prayer helps calm my nerves, but sometimes I have to take deep breaths, pace, or chat with a good friend to help me relax.

Who is a Bible character you look up to and why?

I love the story of Hannah, found in 1 Samuel 1 and 2. Hannah inspires me so much because of her faith. When she was in anguish of heart, rather than turning to other things, Hannah trusted God. She did not wallow in despair and misery, nor did she take the situation into her own hands through retaliation. Instead, she “poured out her heart before Him.” And when her prayer was answered, Hannah’s first response was worship. I want to be like her, a woman who trusts God above all else, commits herself to Him, and declares a message of faith about what God has done for her.

If you could travel through time, which Bible period would you want to land into?  Why?

I would want to land sometime during Jesus’ earthly ministry! It would be amazing to see and hear Jesus’ words and actions while he walked the earth. It would also be so impactful to watch his exemplary love play out right before my eyes.

If someone asked you, “What do you believe?” how would you answer them?  Or, “What is faith?”

What is faith? According to Hebrews 11, “faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.” Faith is believing even though I don’t see it. Having faith in God means that even when life is hard and things don’t make sense, I trust that God is faithful. Faith means that I believe so firmly in God’s Word that I give Him complete control of my life and trust Him to carry me through.

What is your favorite quote – be it spoken/written by you or others?

“He is no fool to give what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” – Jim Elliot

Favorite snack

CHOCOLATE ALL THE WAY!! I have a terrible weakness for chocolate (the darker the better). I often use it to bribe myself to memorize. Because it works. 😉

Favorite subject

Literature ‘cause then I get to read books! Or maybe Latin because I love learning languages. I want to study Hebrew and Greek in college, and those will also probably rank among my favorites when I take them.

Favorite book(s), excluding the Bible, commentaries, and Bible Bee programs

I really loved Hind’s Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard and Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Diebler Rose. Some of my other favorite authors are Janette Oke, C.S. Lewis, Lois Walfrid Johnson, and J.R.R. Tolkien.

Personality type or types (MBTI, DISC, anything)

I’m an INFP according to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). I think I’m an enneagram type #4.

3 Fun Facts About You

#1: I’m only four feet eleven, but I’m goin’ to heaven! (That’s a song, by the way! ;))

#2: I was born on Resurrection Sunday!

#3: My five biggest fears are driving, furnace rooms, glowsticks, spiders, and beetles. Glowsticks?! Yeaaah, I had a bad experience, OK? XD

Future plans after Bible Bee?  (e.g. college, career, etc.)

I dream to be an editor (you may call me “grammar girl,” as my brothers do, if you’d like). I’d also like to write on the side and maybe even publish a book someday, if the Lord leads me there!

I’ll be starting PSEO (free dual enrollment) courses next school year at the University of Northwestern, St. Paul. I don’t know yet if I’ll stay there or go elsewhere to finish my degree (probably in English and/or Biblical Studies), but we’ll see where God leads!


    • *sigh* OK…as you read this, please keep in mind that I was very young at the time–probably six or seven. But I remember the experience quite vividly. Here’s what happened…
      I was playing with glowsticks under the covers in bed. Suddenly, my hands started glowing. Then everything I touched started glowing! It was spreading all over. (One of the glowsticks had broken, but I didn’t know this.) I panicked, jumped out of bed, and ran down the hallway (leaving a trail of glowing spots on the floor). I put the glowsticks on the hall dresser (and the glowing material leaked onto it) and frantically tried to wash my hands (leaving glowing smudges on the soap and faucet). But it wouldn’t come off! Finally, in a terrible fright, I yelled, “Mommy! Daddy!” A little later, as they cleaned up the mess (I think I was crying too hard to help), I said I would never play with glowsticks again. My dad laughed and said I was a “drama queen.” But I meant it. I haven’t played with them since.
      There you go. That’s the story. To this day, glowsticks make me cringe. xD

      • LOL I got them in my eyes and mouth when at a “Christian” (it wasn’t Christian) concert and have a healthy fear of them xDD

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